Over the past year, I’ve learned a lot about what it means to be a teacher, and I can’t wait to see what students will teach me this year.  On Monday, our sixth grade scholars return to school for a week of orientation and a chance to get a feel for the school without those intimidating seventh and eighth graders.  The following Monday, I officially begin my first year as and English Language Arts teacher with my eighth grade scholars, and I don’t think I could be more excited.  I’m not quite ready yet–I still have some planning to do and logistics to figure out before then–but I will be, and I have the most incredible support system in my fellow eighth grade teachers, as well as the academic supports and general coworkers, so I know that I’ll be okay.  I’m nervous, too, but I accept the fact that I will not be the most awesome teacher ever (I need room for growth!), but that I also need to trust myself–my training, my instincts–and not be afraid to ask for help.  I’m embarking on quite the journey this year, and I’m ready to be pushed out of my comfort zone, to do everything I can to juggle what I need to juggle, and to strive towards being the teacher my students need.


I’ll keep you updated.